Organisation/Company: Polytechnic of Leiria
Research Field: Technology » Biotechnology
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)
Positions: Postdoc Positions
Country: Portugal
Application Deadline: 25 Mar 2025 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)
Type of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer Description
The Polytechnic of Leiria is now opening applications for one Post-Doctoral Scholarship (BPD) within the project “NEURONS4: New Edge in the therapeUtics of PaRkinsON's diSeaSe from SeaweedS, 2022.09196.PTDC, cofinanced by FCT: Foundation for Science and Technology, in the following terms:
SCIENTIFIC AREA: Biotechnology, biochemistry or other related areas.
RECIPIENTS: Holders of a doctoral degree in biotechnology/biochemistry or related areas of specialisation with proven experience in animal cell culture. Relevant scientific production capacity (H-index > 10) (in accordance with article 7 of the FCT regulations).
DURATION: The scholarship will last 10 months, possibly renewable until the end of the project or until the maximum duration of this type of scholarship (whichever comes first), and is expected to start in April 2025.
WORK PLAN: Planning and carrying out experimental activities related to the extraction, isolation and characterisation of molecules, and evaluation of their neuroprotective and anti-neuroinflammatory activity, as well as their mechanisms of action. Writing scientific articles/technical reports related to the activities carried out.
WORKPLACE AND SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISION: The work will be carried out at MARE, under the scientific guidance of Dr. Joana Rita Martins da Silva.
GRANT FINANCIAL COMPONENTS: Monthly maintenance stipend of €1851, according to the FCT Regulation for Studentships and Fellowships ( plus, if applicable, the monthly Voluntary Social Insurance, according to the conditions defined in the Research Fellowship Holder statute, as well as the Personal Accident Insurance, during the research fellowship period.
PAYMENT: The maintenance stipend will be monthly processed, through bank transfer, to the account identified by the research fellow.
ACTIVITY SCHEME: Exclusivity, according to the applicable legislation.
EVALUATION PANEL: The jury responsible for the applications evaluation will be constituted by PhD Professors: Professor Joana Rita Martins da Silva (president), Professor Rui Filipe Pinto Pedrosa and Celso Miguel da Maia Alves (effective members); Alice Isabel Mendes Martins (substitute member).
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 11 of March to 25 of March of 2025.
SELECTION METHOD AND EVALUATION CRITERIA: The assessment will be made by analysing curricula (A), academic experience (B) and an interview.
Applications considered eligible will be scored on a scale between 0 and 20, with the following assessment criteria:
1. Criterion A - Curriculum analysis (30%)
2. Sub-criterion A1 - Suitability of the area of study of the academic qualification (50%)
3. Sub-criterion A2 - Specific experience/knowledge in the project area (50%)
4. Criterion B - Academic experience (40%)
5. Relevant scientific production in the last 5 years, participation in R&D projects, participation and communications in scientific events, and publications.
6. Criterion C - Selection interview (30%)
Applying the following formula to calculate the final grade: NF (MC) = [A*0.3 + B*0.40 + C*0.30]
Observation: If the candidate(s) with foreign qualifications(s) do not present, during the application phase, the recognition of the degree or foreign diploma and the classification conversion to the Portuguese scale, the jury defines the conversion only for the application purposes based on the rules of the legal regime applicable to the recognition of foreign degrees and diplomas or, when not possible, applies the minimal classification of 10 points.
ELIGIBILITY OF CANDIDATES: Without prejudice to the applicable rules to each type of research fellowship, the following candidates are eligible:
1. National citizens or citizens of other member states of the European Union;
2. Third-party states citizens;
3. Stateless persons;
4. Beneficiaries of political refugee status.
SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS: Applications must be addressed to the president of the jury and sent by e-mail to, accompanied by the following documents:
1. Document(s) proving the ownership of the academic degree(s) and/or required application diploma(s), preferably with the final average and curricular units’ classification. Candidates with foreign qualifications must prove their academic degree and foreign diploma in the terms of the Decree-law no. 66/2018, dated August 16th. These documents can be dismissed during the application phase, by submitting a declaration of honour available in the application form, which can only attest to facts that occurred prior to the application, with the verification of this condition occurring only in the contract signing phase;
2. (optional during the application phase) Document proving the enrolment and registration in the study cycle or non-awarding degree course, as stated in the application announcement;
3. Updated candidate Curriculum Vitae;
4. Document(s) supporting other evaluation parameter(s) indicated in the announcement;
5. Other certifications and/or other documents considered relevant by the candidate.
RESULTS | DISCLOSURE AND COMPLAINTS: The jury will send to the candidates, by e-mail, the provisional results of the evaluation (presented in the form of the minutes resulting from the evaluation process) within 90 working days after the application deadline. After this disclosure, candidates have 10 working days to pronounce, if they wish, in the appropriate form available in the institutional webpage, under the terms of the administrative procedure code (CPA). The final decision will be taken within a maximum period of 60 working days after the conclusion of the previous hearing of interested parties, of which a complaint can be filed within 15 working days, after notification, to the highest executive body of the Polytechnic of Leiria. Within the scope of the research fellowship award procedure, if the final ordering list, duly approved, contains a number of approved candidates higher than the number of research fellowships to be filled, an internal recruitment reserve is always created, which can be used when there is need for occupation due to withdrawal of the scholarship holder, under the terms of the CPA, to be used during the eligibility of the project.
The Vice-President of the Polytechnic of Leiria