Main objective
The main goal of this topic is to evaluate the status of seabird populations that occur in Portugal mainland waters. The OSPAR Common Indicators foreseen in these analyses are the B1 – Marine Bird Abundance, B3 – Marine Bird Breeding Productivity, B7 – Marine Bird Habitat Quality and B5 – Marine Bird Bycatch. Using data collected on breeding colonies, at sea counts and bycatch, we intend to assess the quality status of each seabird population. The internee/student is welcome to choose one or more target species to work on. Alternatively, one OSPAR indicator can be used to assess a group of species.
Available data
Over 10 years' time series of data on population size and breeding success/productivity for the breeding species. >15 years data set on at sea counts. Available data on bycatch. The student will have the opportunity to take part of data collection and fieldwork. Also, the entire dataset will be made available for analysis. This topic is developed within the project LIFE SeaBil, LIFE PanPuffinus and LIFE Ilhas Barreira.
Proposed tasks
* Analysis of available data
* Join the monthly fieldwork sessions (7 days each session) in Berlengas archipelago
* Collect data on breeding parameters and counts at sea
* Submit the work in a peer-reviewed journal
Framework of the topic
* Is the topic part of an ongoing project/study? Yes – funded project
* Is there any financial support? Yes: fieldwork/material
Nuno Oliveira, Departamento de Conservação Marinha |