.Organisation/Company: Universidade de CoimbraDepartment: SGRH - DRGCResearch Field: OtherResearcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)Positions: Bachelor PositionsCountry: PortugalApplication Deadline: 2 Apr 2025 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)Type of Contract: TemporaryJob Status: Full-timeHours Per Week: 35Offer Starting Date: 20 Mar 2025Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Other EU programmeReference Number: BIOBASED2UC (no.
101186492)Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
NoOffer DescriptionUnder the terms of Article 11 of Ministerial Order nr.
233/2022, of 9 September, it is hereby made public that, by order of the Magnificent Rector, Amílcar Celta Falcão Ramos Ferreira, of March 11, 2025, is open for a period of 10 working days as from the date of publication of the extract of this Notice in the Diário da República, for the recruitment procedure for one position, category of Senior Technician, as a public service employment contract of unfixed-term duration of the staff map of the University of Coimbra.1.
Applicable legislation: General Labour Law in Public Functions, designated by LTFP, approved by Law nr.
35/2014, of 20 June; Labour Code, approved by Law nr.
7/2009, of 12 February; Law nr.
62/2007, of 10 September, establishing the legal regime of higher education institutions (RJIES); Decree Law nr.
29/2001,of 3 February, establishing the employment quota system for people with disabilities, with a degree of functional incapacity equal to or above 60%; Administrative Rule nr.233/2022, of 9 September, regulating the competition procedure; Administrative Rule nr.1553-C/2008, of 31 December, which approved the single remuneration table for workers in public functions; and Decree Law nr.
84-F/2022, of 16 December, which approves measures valuing for workers in public functions.The legislation indicated should be considered in its current wording.2.
Place of work: Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra.3.
Procedure reference: IT160-25- 14986.Within the scope of the Project "BIOBASED2UC, "Exploring novel bio-based materials and their applications in conservation and restoration with a new interdisciplinary team" (financed by the European Research Executive Agency, no.