Organisation/Company: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Department: Divisão de Recursos Humanos
Research Field: Ethics in social sciences » Other
Researcher Profile: Recognised Researcher (R2)
Positions: PhD Positions
Country: Portugal
Application Deadline: 28 Mar 2025 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)
Type of Contract: Permanent
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 35
Offer Starting Date: 17 Mar 2025
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number: Notice No 485/2025
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer Description
In accordance with Article 39 of the University Academic Career Statute, approved by Decree-Law No 448/79, of 13 November, as amended by Decree-Law No 205/2009, of 31 August, the Director of the NOVA School of Science and Technology, Professor José Júlio Alves Alferes, hereby announces that, by order of the Rector of the NOVA University of Lisbon, Professor João Sàágua, an international document-based recruitment process for one Assistant Professor position, under an open-ended public functions contract, is open for 30 working days from the day immediately following the publication of this Notice in the Official Gazette (Diário da República), in the subject area of Social and Applied Sciences with an emphasis in History of Science, science diplomacy, science in imperial contexts, within the Department of Social and Applied Sciences of the NOVA School of Science and Technology (NOVA FCT), Lisbon.
This recruitment process is governed by the provisions of Articles 37 et seq. of the University Academic Career Statute (ECDU), the Regulations for Recruitment Procedures for University Academic Careers at the NOVA University Lisbon, as well as the Regulations for Recruitment Procedures for the NOVA School of Science and Technology Lisbon, published in the Annex to Order No 3012/2015 (Official Gazette, DR, 2nd series, No 58, 24 March) and Order (extract) No 2334/2016 (Official Gazette, DR, 2nd series, No 32, of 16 February), respectively.
This is an open position under the FCT TENURE – 1st Edition program, with reference 2023.11076.TENURE.017, (Assistant Professor in Social and Applied Sciences with emphasis in History of Science, science diplomacy, science in imperial contexts), within the scope of the strategic objectives of the Department Social and Applied Sciences, “CIUHCT” and whose professor will become an integrated member of this Research Unit.
If the selected candidate meets the eligibility conditions corresponding to the FCT TENURE – 1st Edition program, they will automatically be assigned the research profile set out in point (b), of paragraph 1 of article 4 of the Despacho n.º 8178/2021, de 28 de julho – UNL’s Regulation for the provision of teachers' services, within the scope of the said program and for the period corresponding to the respective financing.
In fulfilment of Article 9(h) of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, NOVA University Lisbon, as an employer, actively promotes a policy of equal opportunities for both men and women in access to employment and professional advancement, taking scrupulous care to avoid any form of discrimination.
I – Admission requirements and reasons for excluding candidates
1. Meet the general admission requirements for recruitment to public office.
2. Hold a doctorate degree in the subject area of this recruitment process or in a branch of knowledge considered appropriate to the subject area of this recruitment process.
3. Proficiency in spoken and written in Portuguese and English.
II – Application form
1. The application must be completed by filling in the relevant application form, which is available at the official website, where the candidate must state their consent to communications and notifications related to this recruitment procedure taking place by email, through indicating their address on the form.
2. The application process must be accompanied by documentation in Portuguese or English.
3. The application must be submitted digitally and in duplicate (2 Pen Drives), containing copies in non-editable electronic format (Portable Document Format — PDF) of the following documents:
* a) The applicant’s Curriculum Vitae, which must include:
o i) The teaching, research, knowledge transfer and university management activities that form part of the set of duties to be carried out by an Assistant Professor, according to Article 4 of the ECDU, and considered relevant to this recruitment process, under the terms of this notice;
o ii) The "Researcher ID", "Scopus Author ID" and "Google Scholar ID” identifications.
* b) A certificate attesting to a Doctorate degree in the subject area of this recruitment process or in a branch of knowledge considered appropriate to the subject area of this recruitment process;
* c) Publications mentioned in the Curriculum Vitae, particularly the most representative in terms of their contribution to the development and evolution of the disciplinary area in which this recruitment process has been opened;
* d) Academic and pedagogical report on the contents, teaching methods, and bibliography of an existing or new curricular unit (course) in the subject area in which this recruitment process has been opened;
* e) A sworn statement, that if the selection panel chooses to request scientific documentation cited in the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae, it will be submitted within 10 working days;
* f) A sworn statement that, if selected in the recruitment process, they are able to teach in Portuguese and in English without any limitations on communicating with students in that language. Assessment of such proficiency may be required by the Scientific Council.
1. The documents proving fulfilment of the general requirements for recruitment as a public employee may be replaced by a statement made on the form mentioned in point 1.
2. If the selection panel includes a member who is not fluent in Portuguese, the documents for the prior hearing of candidates and complaints to be considered by the selection panel must be in English.
3. Failure to submit any of the documents that must accompany the application by the specified deadline will result in its rejection.
4. Candidates must organise their Curriculum Vitae according to the scheme set out in point V.3 of this Notice.
III - Submission of application
1. The application documents must be submitted no later than the 30th working day following the publication of this Notice in the Official Gazette (Diário da República).
2. Candidates must submit their application documents in digital format (Pen Drive), by post or in person, to the Human Resources Division of NOVA FCT, located at Campus de Caparica, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal.
IV - Public hearings and requests for further documentation
1. At its first meeting, the Selection Panel decides whether it is necessary to hold public hearings of the candidates, aimed exclusively at clarifying what is included in the Curriculum Vitae submitted by the candidates. These hearings may be held by videoconference, and the Selection Panel must ensure that they are held under equitable circumstances for all candidates.
2. If it is necessary to hold public hearings, these will take place between the 30th and 70th day after the deadline for submitting applications, and all candidates will be informed at least 5 days in advance of the date and place where these public hearings will be held.
3. The selection panel may also ask candidates to submit additional documentation related to the Curriculum Vitae, based on the provisions of article 50(4)(a) of the ECDU.
V - Assessment parameters
1. The purpose of this recruitment process is to ascertain, according to Article 4 of the ECDU, the candidates’ abilities and performance in the various aspects that form part of the duties to be carried out if they are contracted following the recruitment process. According to this article, university academic teaching staff are generally responsible for:
* a) Carrying out activities involving scientific research, cultural or artistic creation or technological development;
* b) Undertaking the teaching services assigned to them as well as accompanying and supervising students;
* c) Participating in university outreach tasks, scientific dissemination, and economic and social valorisation of knowledge;
* d) Participating in the management of the institution;
* e) Participating in other tasks assigned by the competent management bodies which fall within the scope of the activities of university academic teaching staff.
5. The curricular assessment of the various candidates in each of the areas described below must consider the subject area in which this recruitment process has been opened.
6. The parameters to be considered when assessing the curricula of the candidates, in each respective area, and the weighting to be given to each of these in their final classification are as follows, with particular emphasis on the relevance, quality and state of the art of the candidates’ Curriculum Vitae over the last five years:
* a) When assessing the Scientific Merit (MC - 60%) the following indicators are considered:
o MC1 - Scientific production carried out in the subject area of this recruitment process (books, book chapters, articles in scientific journals, papers and communications at conferences, patents and other forms of scientific production that are considered relevant by the selection panel), in terms of their quality and quantity, valued for their impact and recognition within the scientific community. The scientific merit of candidates whose scientific production shows autonomy and scientific leadership should be valued. The impact and recognition of the scientific output of the candidates may be gauged by the quality of the place of publication and presentation of their work and the references made to these by other authors. The assessment of this indicator is not be limited to analysing the total scientific output at the time of submission, but should also focus on assessing the inherent productivity and potential that can be expected to be associated with them.
o MC2 - The ability to organise and lead scientific teams, fundraise for projects, as well as activity demonstrated in supervising advanced training (master degrees, doctorates and post-doctorates). Experience in managing teams in non-academic environments will be valued;
o MC3 - National and international scientific recognition as shown by the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae, through analysing various factors, including participation in selection panels for academic exams held outside the institution to which they are affiliated, participation in project assessment and research centre panels, participation in scientific committees of conferences, creation and participation in the editorial panels of international scientific journals, scientific prizes, participation in research networks and holding positions as directors of scientific and professional societies in the respective areas;
o MC4 - The social and economic impact of the scientific activity undertaken. Where relevant in the context of the disciplinary area of this recruitment process, particular attention should be paid to the results achieved in technology transfer, in setting up technology-based companies, and in contributions to other societal challenges. Professional experience in industry, encompassing both research and managerial roles in discovery workflows, in close collaboration with the biopharmaceutical sector, will be valued.
* b) When assessing the Pedagogic Merit (MP - 20%) the following indicators are considered:
o MP1 - The candidate’s pedagogical activity, considering the ability to stimulate and coordinate pedagogical projects, such as the development of new subject areas, the creation and coordination of new courses or study programmes, the reformulation of existing subjects, participation in pedagogical management bodies, and the implementation of projects which have an impact on the teaching/learning process;
o MP2 - The production of pedagogical material by the candidate, particularly books, articles in pedagogical publications, and student support documents in their various forms and media formats;
o MP3 - Teaching subjects in different levels of study – Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD programmes, postgraduate courses and national and international summer schools;
o MP4 - The quality of the teaching activity which, as much as possible, should be analysed objectively. The selection panel may make use of information provided by the candidates, through teaching assessment reports carried out by their peers, if they exist, and the assessment of teaching performance, particularly the results of student surveys of taught curricular units.
* c) When assessing the Merits of Other Relevant Activities (MOAR - 5%) the following are considered:
o Participation in, and the performance of tasks assigned by the management bodies of the institutions to which they have been affiliated and which fall within the scope of university teaching activity. Participating in and carrying out university outreach and scientific dissemination tasks. Carrying out tasks for the economic and social valorisation of knowledge, particularly by providing services to the community.
* d) When assessing the Merits of the Scientific and Pedagogic Report (MPCR - 15%) the following are considered:
o The clarity, structure and the quality of presentation. The scientific state of the art of its content and the appropriateness of the proposed programme, considering the frontier of knowledge in the field of the curricular unit. If presented, the quality of the proposed teaching/learning strategies. The recommended bibliography and the quality of the commentaries related to its items. The degree of innovation introduced.
VI – Requirements for admission and exclusion based on the absolute merit of candidates
1. In accordance with the Regulations for Recruitment Procedures for University Academic Careers at the NOVA University of Lisbon, the selection panel will decide on the admissibility of candidates on absolute merit by means of a justified roll-call vote, with no abstentions allowed.
2. Each member of the selection panel submits a justified proposal for admission based on absolute merit (final classification greater than or equal to 50) or exclusion (final classification less than 50) for each of the candidates, in accordance with Article 16 of the same Regulations.
3. Any candidate who obtains the favourable vote of more than half of the members of the selection panel is approved on absolute merit.
VII - Voting order and methodology
1. Once the candidates approved on absolute merit have been definitively determined, the selection panel ranks these candidates according to the procedure established in the Regulations for Recruitment Procedures for University Academic Careers at the NOVA University Lisbon.
2. Each member of the selection panel will carry out their assessment exercise by submitting a written opinion, which is then included in the minutes, in which they propose the ranking of the candidates, duly based on the assessment criteria indicated in point V of this notice, scoring each candidate in each criterion on a numerical scale of 0 to 100 points, as indicated below:
* Scientific Merit (MC): 60% | Indicator: MC1 and MC2 (0 - 70); MC3 and MC4 (0 - 30)
* Pedagogical Merit (MP): 20% | (Indicator: MP1 and MP2 (0 - 50); MP3 and MP4 (0 - 50)
* Merits of Other Relevant Activities (MOAR): 5% | (0 - 100)
* Merits of the Scientific and Pedagogic Report (MPCR): 15% | (0 - 100)
7. The candidates admitted on absolute merit are ranked through voting by the members of the selection panel, in accordance with the ranking presented in the opinion referred to in the previous paragraph, pursuant to Article 16(11)(a-f) of the Regulations for Recruitment Procedures for University Academic Careers at the NOVA University Lisbon.
VIII – Notifications and Hearing of Interested Parties
1. Under the terms of the Portuguese Code of Administrative Procedure, all candidates will be notified of the provisional decision of the selection panel, and there will be a prior hearing. All candidates will be notified of the final decision of the selection panel.
2. Such notifications are sent by email.
3. Candidates may consult the recruitment procedure in the Human Resources Division at NOVA FCT, under the terms indicated in the notification referred to above.
IX – Composition of the Selection Panel:
Chairperson: Professor José Júlio Alves Alferes, Full Professor and Director of the NOVA School of Science and Technology, through delegation of responsibilities.
* Doutor Simone Turchetti, Associate Professor, Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM) – The University of Manchester;
* Doutor Tiago Saraiva, Associate Professor, Drexel University;
* Doutor Léonard Laborie, Investigador Coordenador, CNRS, UMR Sirice, Paris, França;
* Doutora Ana Isabel Araújo da Silva Simões, Full Professor, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa;
* Doutora Maria de Fátima Nunes, Full Professor, Escola de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Évora;
* Doutora Maria Paula Pires dos Santos Diogo, Full Professor, NOVA School of Science and Technology of the NOVA University of Lisbon;
* Doutora Isabel Maria da Silva Pereira Amaral, Associate Professor with aggregation, NOVA School of Science and Technology of the NOVA University of Lisbon.
In witness whereof, this Notice is published.
10 of march of 2025 — The Director, Professor José Alferes
Number of offers available: 1
Company/Institute: Faculty of Science and Technology of NOVA University Lisbon
Country: Portugal
City: Lisbon