Organisation/Company: Universidade do Minho - ISISE
Department: ISISE
Research Field: Management sciences, Juridical sciences, Engineering
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)
Positions: Bachelor Positions
Country: Portugal
Application Deadline: 5 Feb 2025 - 23:00 (Europe/Lisbon)
Type of Contract: Not Applicable
Job Status: Not Applicable
Offer Starting Date: 22 Jan 2025
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Erasmus+
Reference Number: 101128171
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer DescriptionA call is open to award (1) research grant within the R&D Project Erasmus+ "NORISK - International Master in Risk Assessment and Management of Civil Infrastructures" (Project Number 101128171), funded by the European Commission through its Erasmus + Project, in the following conditions:
RESEARCH FIELD: Management, Law and Engineering.
A Bachelor's degree in the scientific fields specified in the announcement;At the time of the respective hiring, candidates must prove that they are enrolled in one of the following courses:
A Master's degree in the scientific areas specified in the announcement.Preferential factors:
Previous experience in project management, intellectual property law, and data protection;APPLICATION / ADMISSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS The call is open from 22/01/2025 to 05/02/2025 (23:00 – Europe/Lisbon).
Applications must be sent exclusively by e-mail to ******, with the subject "Edital BI-ISISE-UMINHO-NORISK-3", with the following documents:
Elements of the National Identity Card/Citizen Card/Passport/Visa/Title of Residence;Curriculum Vitae of the candidate, in Portuguese or in English;Certificates of the academic degree(s) required, specifying the final grading (mandatory) and, if possible, the grades obtained in all the attended curricular units, or, alternatively, the candidate's declaration of honor that the degree was obtained until the end of the term of application;Motivation letter, in Portuguese or in English;Certificate of Proficiency in English, if applicable;Other documents that the applicant considers relevant for the application review.Failure to comply with the deadline for submitting the application, such as failure to submit or late submission of the application and the documents referred to in points b) and c), determines the exclusion of the application.
DURATION OF THE RESEARCH GRANT The research grant will last for 10 months, with a provisional starting date in May 2025.
The grant may be, possibly, renewed until the end of the project and/or applicable legislation, if it is necessary to complete the academic degree or to carry out activities that are essential for the conclusion of the project.
WORK PLAN AND OBJECTIVES The work plan consists of diagnosing and evaluating the Erasmus Mundus Master's Programs, funded by Erasmus+, in the context of data protection and intellectual property law with the aim of creating best management practices to improve these educational and research projects, as well as promoting individual and social skills in a multicultural environment for students enrolled in an international course. The work plan focuses on R&D activities, respecting the teaching load and academic commitments of the scholarship holder.
HOST INSTITUTION AND SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISION The work will be carried out at ISISE - Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering - Civil Engineering Department, School of Engineering of the University of Minho, located at Azurém (Guimarães), under the scientific supervision of Doctor José António Silva Carvalho Campos Matos.
EVALUATION CRITERIA The evaluation of the applications will focus on the merit of the candidate, by applying the following criteria on a scale of 0 to 5 points:
Candidate's Merit – CM (100%):
Criterion A - Motivation letter, with a weighting of 10%;Criterion B - Academic path (Final grade obtained in the Bachelor's degree), with a weighting of 15%;Criterion C - Personal curriculum (considering scientific and professional background), with a weighting of 45%:Sub-criterion C1 - Demonstration of previous experience in the context of formalizing procedural acts in an administrative and/or research environment – 50%Sub-criterion C2 - Academic skills in the context of data protection and intellectual property law – 50%Criterion D - Proficiency in computer tools from a user perspective, with a weighting of 15%;Criterion E - Proficiency in English (certificate), with a weighting of 15%.The final classification of the Candidate's Merit (CM) will be obtained by applying the following formula:
CM = (A*0,10) + (B*0,15) + (0,45*(C1*0,50) + (C2*0,50)) + (D*0,15) + (E*0,15) Candidates with CM less than 3.5 points are immediately excluded.
The Jury may decide to include an Interview (IN) in the evaluation process to select the candidate. Only the top three candidates based on the Candidate's Merit (MC) evaluation will be considered for the interview. In this case, the Interview (IN) will have a weight of 40% in the final ranking, and the Candidate's Merit (MC) will have a weight of 60% in the final ranking.
SELECTION PANEL The Selection Panel is composed by the following elements:
President: Doctor José António Silva Carvalho Campos Matos, Assistant Professor with Aggregation of the Department of Civil Engineering, ISISE, School of Engineering, University of Minho.Effective members: Doctor Hélder Manuel Silva Sousa, Assistant Researcher, ISISE, School of Engineering, University of Minho, and Doctor Joaquim Agostinho Barbosa Tinoco, Assistant Researcher, ISISE, School of Engineering, University of Minho.Substitute members: Doctor Daniel Vitorino Castro Oliveira, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering, ISISE, School of Engineering, University of Minho, and Doctor Tiago Filipe Silva Miranda, Assistant Professor with Habilitation of the Department of Civil Engineering, ISISE, School of Engineering, University of Minho.If the President of the Selection Panel is unavailable, he/she shall be replaced by the first effective member. The first substitute member will replace the effective member.
The Selection Panel, including the President, undertake the commitment to respect a set of responsibilities essential to the evaluation process, such as the duties of impartiality, of stating any potential situations of conflict of interest and confidentiality.
COMUNICATION OF RESULTS The evaluation results, based on minutes, will be sent to the candidates by e-mail, according to article 13 of the Regulation of Research Fellowships of the University of Minho.
If the result is not in favor of the applicant, he/she has a period of 10 working days to comment on the results, if he/she wishes it so, in the context of a prior hearing with the interested parties, under the terms of article 121 and 122 of the Administrative Procedure Code (DL nº 4 / 2015 of January 7).
COMPLAINT AND APPEAL PROCEDURES The final results of the evaluation will be sent by email to all candidates, enclosing for that purpose, the minutes of the Selection Panel deliberations.
The selected candidate must indicate, in writing, the intention to accept the grant.
The final decision can be contested, having 15 working days for this purpose, by sending to the President of the Selection Panel the corresponding claim. Interested parties may also submit an optional hierarchical appeal, addressed to the Pro-Rector for Scientific Projects and Research Management of the University of Minho.
REQUIREMENTS FOR FINAL AWARDING OF THE GRANT Research grant contracts are signed with the University of Minho, accordingly with the contract minute (annex IV of the Regulation of Research Fellowships of the University of Minho). At the time of hiring, the following documents must be sent:
National Identity Card/Citizen Card/Passport/Visa/Title of Residence;Copy of the certificates of the academic degrees;Document proving enrollment in the Doctoral Program or in a Course that does not confer an academic degree, identified in this application;Science ID;NIB/IBAN (document of the Bank with the name of the candidate);Tax Identification Number (NIF);Digital mobile key (digital signature).The contract may only be concluded after all the documentation required is collected, which must take place within a maximum period of 6 months. Once all the documentation has been received, the contracting entity has a period of 60 working days to conclude the scholarship contract. Once received, the fellow must return the contract duly signed within 15 working days.
MONTHLY MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCE The Monthly Maintenance Allowance corresponds to the basic value of 1638 euros per month (tax free), according to the "Regulamento de Bolsas da Universidade do Minho", published in "Diário da República", 2nd serie, nº 119, through dispatch nº 6524/2020 of 22-06-2020, ratified by ratification declaration nº 447/2021 of 22-06-2021.
Payments are made by bank transfer on the 23rd of each month to the account identified by the grant holder.
OTHER BENEFITS Reimbursement of the Voluntary Social Insurance, corresponding to the 1st tier of the contribution base (for grants of 6 months or more) and Personal Accident Insurance.
EXCLUSIVITY REGIME The grantee will perform the activities under exclusivity, as foreseen in article 5º of the Research Fellow Statutes and applicable regulations.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR GRANT RENEWAL Grant may be renewed for additional periods, if this information is provided in "DURATION OF THE RESEARCH GRANT